Articles and sermons
Elders’ conference, 2016
- Opening Sermon: 1 Cor. 11:17-34 (Rev. Drew Goodman)
- Exhortations for the Sacraments (Rev. Ian Hamilton)
- The Public Reading of Scripture (Rev. Ian Hamilton)
- Opening Worship: Matthew 11:2-11 (Dr. Donald John Maclean)
- The Structure of Book 5 of the Psalms with slides (Dr. O Palmer Robertson)
- Preaching 2 Peter and Jude (Rev. Mark Johnston)
Elders’ conference, 2015
- Opening Worship – Acts 28:25-31 (Rev. Darren Moore)
- Justification (Rev. Dr. Stephen Dancer)
- Preaching John’s Gospel (Rev. Dr. Peter Naylor)
- Opening Worship – Acts 20:17-38 (Rev. Joshua Rieger)
- The Trinity in Reformed Worship (Rev. Dr. Kevin Bidwell)
- Does God Suffer? (Mr. Rob Dykes)
Elders’ conference, 2014
- Mark 6 – The feeding of the five thousand (Rev. Darren Moore)
- Union with Christ (Rev. Andy Young)
- Preaching through Hebrews (Rev. Dr. Peter Naylor)
- Ezekiel 34 – The Good Shepherd (Rev. Dr. Bill Schweitzer)
- Acts 20 – The work of an elder (Dr. Paul Corney)
- Handling Scripture responsibly (Rev. Richard Holst)
- 2 Corinthians 2v12-3v6 – Who is Sufficient (Rev. Dr. Kevin Bidwell)
- 1 Kings 19:1-18 – The Cause and Cures for Ministerial Discouragement (Rev. Matthew Jolley) – not recorded
London Presbyterian Conference, 2012
- Introduction, Building Christ’s Church (Rev. Dr. Robert Letham)
- The Challenges and Opportunities of Church Planting (Rev. Dr. Kevin Bidwell)
- Thus Far the Lord has Led Us: A Historical Review (Rev. Brian Norton)
- Warm-Hearted Presbyterianism (Rev. Ian Hamilton)
ordination of Kevin Bidwell, 2011
- Ordination Sermon for Kevin Bidwell (Rev. Bob Letham)
ministers’ conference, 2011
- Do the work of an evangelist: applying the gospel in the local church (Rev. Stephen Dancer)
- In Season and Out Of Season: The Preaching of Charles Simeon (1759-1836) (Rev. Jon Payne)
- Discoursing like Paul: Preaching and the Pastoral Epistles (Rev. Richard Holst)
ministers’ conference, 2010
- Missional Theology – Problems & Promise (Rev. Bill Schweizer)
- 1 Thessalonians 1 – Paul’s Theology of Church Growth (Rev. Andrew Young)
- The Covenant Theology of Robert Rollock (Rev. Andrew Woolsey)
presbytery address, March 2010
- The Threefold Division of the Law (Rev. Philip Ross)
ministers’ conference, 2009
- Introduction to New Covenant Theology (Rev. Todd Matocha)
- Grace in the Old Testament (Rev. Dr. Peter Naylor)
- The New Covenant in Hebrews (Rev. Ian Hamilton)
presbytery conference, 2006
- The Benefits We Receive from the Lord’s Supper (Rev. Ian Hamilton)
- The debate over paedocommunion (Dr. Joseph Pipa)
The Hand That Fills The Cradle – Autumn 2004
1 Samuel 1 – Hannah’s problem began to make sense the day she went into the presence of the Lord and poured the whole matter out before him. She didn’t get the solution, she just learned to trust God… >More
As for Me and My House – Spring 2004
Joshua 24:14 & 15 – A sermon about covenant renewal – a renewal of our vows to God and a challenge about being faithful in serving the Lord. The chapter is about serving the Lord. We have the privilege of bringing up our children to serve the Lord as well as serving him ourselves individually… >More
Wars and Heroes of War – Spring 2003
Christians have to face some general questions regarding war. How shall we, as Christians, view war? How shall we, as Christians, view those who wage war – the military and the politicians who direct the military? – This old sermon by our Clerk is still a timely subject. >More
The Bible and Children
Many of us made vows before the Lord that we would raise our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Yet our children still seem Biblically illiterate and ignorant of the things we think they will just pick up. How can we be pro-active in assisting our children to know our wonderful God through knowing his Word? >More
Marian Martyr: John Rogers (c. 1500-1555) – Spring 2005
The year 2005 marks the 450th anniversary of the beginning of a time that is a blot on the pages of English history. – Mary Tudor (often referred to as ‘Bloody Mary’) came to the throne with a determination to undo all the progress in the Protestant Reformation that was made under the reign of her half-brother Edward VI… and nearly 300 protestant believers were killed. >More
Howell Harris (1714 -1773) – Autumn 2004
The story of Welsh Presbyterianism begins in the year 1735 with the conversion of two men, Daniel Rowland and Howell Harris. In this article we trace the conversion of Howell Harris and his early ministry. >More
Robert Moffat (1795-1883) – Autumn 2003
“I have seen, at different times, the smoke of a thousand villages – villages whose people are without Christ, without God, and without hope in this world. Oh, that I had a thousand lives, and a thousand bodies! All of them should be devoted to no other employment but to preach Christ to these degraded, despised, yet beloved mortals,” Robert Moffat, Missionary to Africa. >More