About Us
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales (EPCEW).
Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales (EPCEW)
We are a young denomination with roots that go back hundreds of years. It was formed in two stages.
In 1986 the London Presbyterian Conference drew together a group of ministers and other active Christians who wanted to see a new Presbyterian Church in England. From that conference arose the Presbyterian Association in England (PAE). From 1987, a group of ministers and other men formed a council and started to meet in London on a regular basis. This was the time when a renascent Presbyterianism started to take root. Three small congregations started Sunday meetings, and two of these three, Cambridge and Durham, became EPCEW churches in due course.
In 1991, an interim Presbytery was established consisting of elders from five congregations; Blackburn, Cambridge, Chelmsford, Durham and East Hull. In 1996 these churches declared themselves to be a Presbytery, taking the name ‘Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales’.
We meet as a presbytery on the following dates at 11am to 4pm:
- The last Saturday of September.
- The last Saturday of November.
- The first Saturday of March.
- The last Saturday of June.
Every other year (even numbered ones) we invite delegates from sister churches over the world to our March meeting. During those years we have an additional presbytery meeting in January.
For more information contact the clerk of presbytery, Dr Falko Drijfhout – Tel: 01782 611280, Mob: 07811387438, clerk@epcew.org.uk.